Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Portfolio 4 - Difficulties writing in engineering classes

In Engineering classes, there are a lot of jargons, technical terms to explain in assignments. For example, in MLE 1101 module, we often need to compare the difference in certain materials and explain their usage. In doing so, I usually end up with long sentences of poor sentence structures. I feel that even though I am an engineering student, my work is judged by engineers and people who are in this field, the importance of plain English must be instilled. I hope my writing can be understand by people who are not from the engineering background. Another difficulty is how to answer the question directly and not writing so many sentences to explain a simple phrase. I hope to be able to construct my sentences properly. There should be an introduction, followed by a body text and a conclusion. I resolve the above difficulties by seeking help from my lecturer if I have any doubts with the technical terms. I also form a study group with some of my friends in MLE1101. I think there is a slight improvement because I used to take a very long time to draft my tutorial assignment, but now the situation is better. I will continue to improve by making sure I listen to the lectures and complete my tutorials on time.


weijie said...

I also have the problem to construct the sentence in writing the English.You article shows that the difficulties writing in engineering classes.It helps me to know that every people has their own difficulties, it help me a lot to gain confident from and encourage me to continue update myself in the university study.


It is diffcult for me to construct the sentences, too. After reading your article I do need to make efforts to overcome this problem.